As you have dedicated monitoring system. It is wise to add rules to firewall which will only allow prometheus server to scrape data.
sudo ufw allow from "ip-of-your-monitoring/32 proto tcp to any port 9100 comment "Prometheus Node Exporter"sudo ufw allow from "ip-of-your-monitoring/32 proto tcp to any port 26660 comment "Prometheus Tendermint Exporter"
wget see whats been downloadedls/// tar the foldertar xvfz node_exporter-.amd64.tar.gz/// cd into the foldercd node_exporter-.amd64/// run the instance to make sure it is working./node_exporter/// check to see scrapes are working curl http://localhost:9100/metrics/// check from another server curl http://"ip-of-server-with-node-exporter":9100/metrics/// rename the folder correctly mv node_exporter-1.2.2.linux-amd64 node_exporter/// if you need to find where the node_exporter binary is you cansudo find /-name "node_exporter*”/// set some UFW rulessudo ufw allow from proto tcp to any port 9100 comment "Prometheus Node Exporter"sudo ufw allow from proto tcp to any port 26660 comment "Prometheus Tendermint Exporter"
Create a service file
sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/node_exporter.service/// inside the file[Unit]Description=Node[Service]User=monitoringGroup=monitoringType=simpleExecStart=/home/monitoring/node_exporter/node_exporter[Install]